Sealing tape

Sealing tape
Упаковочная лента.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Sealing tape" в других словарях:

  • sealing tape — noun : a gummed paper tape used in securing wrapped or boxed packages …   Useful english dictionary

  • Tape (disambiguation) — Tape refers to a strip of long, thin and narrow matter, usually rolled up. Most commonly, it refers to:Recording media* Magnetic tape * Digital Audio Tape (or DAT ) * Digital Compact Cassette (or DCC ) * Digital video tape * Compact Cassette (a.k …   Wikipedia

  • Tape — refers to a strip of long, thin and narrow matter, usually rolled up. Most commonly, it refers to:Recording media* Magnetic tape * Digital Audio Tape (or DAT ) * Digital Compact Cassette (or DCC ) * Digital video tape * Cassette Tape, a magnetic… …   Wikipedia

  • tape — tapeless, adj. tapelike, adj. /tayp/, n., v., taped, taping. n. 1. a long, narrow strip of linen, cotton, or the like, used for tying garments, binding seams or carpets, etc. 2. a long, narrow strip of paper, metal, etc. 3. a strip of cloth,… …   Universalium

  • tape — [[t]teɪp[/t]] n. v. taped, tap•ing, adj. 1) a long, narrow strip of fabric, as for tying garments or binding seams or edges 2) a long, narrow strip of paper, metal, etc 3) cvb bui a strip of material with an adhesive surface, used for sealing,… …   From formal English to slang

  • Duct tape — A roll of glossy, gray duct tape. Duct tape, or duck tape, is cloth or scrim backed pressure sensitive tape often sealed with polyethylene. It is very similar to gaffer tape but differs in that gaffer tape was designed to be cleanly removed,… …   Wikipedia

  • Pressure sensitive tape — [ thumb|Duct tape is a PSA tape which is hand tearable yet strong enough for many common uses.] Pressure sensitive tape, PSA tape, Adhesive tape, Self stick tape, Sticky tape consists of a pressure sensitive adhesive coated onto a backing… …   Wikipedia

  • Adhesive tape — can be one of many varieties of backing materials coated with an adhesive.Several types of adhesives can be used:Pressure sensitive tapePressure sensitive tape, PSA tape, Self stick tape, Sticky tape consists of a pressure sensitive adhesive… …   Wikipedia

  • duct tape — noun a wide silvery adhesive tape intended to seal joints in sheet metal duct work but having many other uses duct tape holds the world together • Hypernyms: ↑adhesive tape * * * noun : a wide cloth adhesive tape originally designed for sealing… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Thread seal tape — mdash; commonly known as Teflon tape , PTFE tape or plumber s tape mdash; is a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) film cut to specified widths for use in sealing pipe threads. The tape is wrapped around the exposed threads of a pipe before it is… …   Wikipedia

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