Screen cell

Screen cell
Растровая ячейка.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Screen cell" в других словарях:

  • Cell (microprocessor) — Cell is a microprocessor architecture jointly developed by Sony Computer Entertainment, Toshiba, and IBM, an alliance known as STI . The architectural design and first implementation were carried out at the STI Design Center in Austin, Texas over …   Wikipedia

  • cell — [ sel ] noun count *** ▸ 1 small part of body ▸ 2 small room ▸ 3 for making electricity ▸ 4 cellphone area ▸ 5 on computer screen ▸ 6 small group of people ▸ 7 cellphone 1. ) the smallest part of a living structure that can operate as an… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Cell-free protein array — technology produces protein microarrays by performing in vitro synthesis of the target proteins from their DNA templates. This method of synthesizing protein microarrays overcomes the many obstacles and challenges faced by traditional methods of… …   Wikipedia

  • Cell Phones — aging ear Apple picking approximeeting beeper boy bluejacking butt call BYOD candy bar phone …   New words

  • Cell cycle — For the separation of chromosomes that occurs as part of the cell cycle, see mitosis. For the Academic journal, see Cell Cycle. Each turn of the cell cycle divides the chromosomes in a cell nucleus. The cell cycle, or cell division cycle, is the… …   Wikipedia

  • cell — cell1 cell like, adj. /sel/, n. 1. a small room, as in a convent or prison. 2. any of various small compartments or bounded areas forming part of a whole. 3. a small group acting as a unit within a larger organization: a local cell of the… …   Universalium

  • Large-screen television technology — developed rapidly in the late 1990s and 2000s. Various flat screen technologies are being developed, but only the liquid crystal display (LCD), plasma display (PDP) and Digital Light Processing (DLP) were released on the public market. These… …   Wikipedia

  • Solar cell — A solar cell made from a monocrystalline silicon wafer …   Wikipedia

  • Blue white screen — The blue white screen is a molecular technique that allows for the detection of successful ligations in vector based gene cloning. DNA of interest is ligated into a vector. The vector is then transformed into competent cell (bacteria). The… …   Wikipedia

  • third screen — n. A video screen, particuarly the screen on a cell phone, that a person uses almost as often as their television and computer screens. Example Citation: Like Starbucks relentless attempts to sell itself as the third place, the wireless industry… …   New words

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