Scan mechanism

Scan mechanism
Сканирующее устройство.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Scan mechanism" в других словарях:

  • scan head —    The part of the mechanism of a scanner that optically senses the text or graphic as it moves across a page …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • Electrochemical reaction mechanism — In chemistry, an electrochemical reaction mechanism is the step by step sequence of elementary steps, involving at least one outer sphere electron transfer, by which an overall chemical change occurs [Bard, A.J. L.R. Faulkner, Electrochemical… …   Wikipedia

  • Optical scan voting system — Election technology Certification of voting machines Independent Testing Authority (ITA) NVLAP VVSG End to end auditable voting systems Help America Vote Act Independent verific …   Wikipedia

  • Helical scan — is a method of recording high bandwidth signals onto magnetic tape. It is used in video tape recorders, video cassette recorders, digital audio tape recorders, and some computer tape drives. Comparison to linear tape recording In a fixed head… …   Wikipedia

  • Hardware Functionality Scan — A Hardware Functionality Scan (HFS) is conducted in order to verify that a certain device is really what it claims to be. It s patented by Microsoft.Some operating systems only send copy protected content, such as movies, to an output device,… …   Wikipedia

  • Defence mechanism (biology) — Many plants and animals have developed physical defence mechanisms (American English). (British spelling; defense mechanisms)AnimalsGrazing animals often feed in herds. When a predator attacks, the animals in different directions, often confusing …   Wikipedia

  • Oceansat-2 — Operator Indian Space Research Organisation Bus IRS Mission type Oceanography …   Wikipedia

  • Ranger 3 — was a spacecraft of the Ranger program that was launched to study the Moon on January 26, 1962. The space probe was designed to transmit pictures of the lunar surface to Earth stations during a period of 10 minutes of flight prior to impacting on …   Wikipedia

  • Ranger 4 — was a spacecraft of the Ranger program designed to transmit pictures of the lunar surface to Earth stations during a period of 10 minutes of flight prior to impacting on the Moon, to rough land a seismometer capsule on the Moon, to collect gamma… …   Wikipedia

  • Ranger 5 — was a spacecraft of the Ranger program designed to transmit pictures of the lunar surface to Earth stations during a period of 10 minutes of flight prior to impacting on the Moon, to rough land a seismometer capsule on the Moon, to collect gamma… …   Wikipedia

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