S punch

S punch
Перфорирующая игла пробела (монотип-клавиатуры).

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "S punch" в других словарях:

  • Punch (magazine) — Punch was a British weekly magazine of humour and satire published from 1841 to 1992 and from 1996 to 2002. Punch material was also collected in book formats as early as the 1800s, including Pick of the Punch annuals with cartoons and text… …   Wikipedia

  • Punch-Counterpunch — Punch/Counterpunch (also known as Double Spy) is the name of a fictional character from the Transformers universes.Transformers: Generation 1Transformers character name =Punch caption =Punch box art affiliation =Autobot subgroup = rank =7… …   Wikipedia

  • Punch — can refer to:Tools* Punch (metalworking), a tool used to create an impression in a metal * Punch (numismatics), an intermediate used in the process of manufacturing coins * Punch (typography), an intermediate used in the process of manufacturing… …   Wikipedia

  • Punch (revista) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Portada de Punch de 1867 Punch fue una revista británica de humor y sátira publicada de 1841 a 1992, y de 1996 a 2002. Fue fundada el 17 de julio de …   Wikipedia Español

  • Punch — /punch/, n. 1. the chief male character in a Punch and Judy show. 2. pleased as Punch, highly pleased; delighted: They were pleased as Punch at having been asked to come along. [short for PUNCHINELLO] * * * I English illustrated periodical… …   Universalium

  • Punch and Judy — est un spectacle de marionnettes célèbre en Grande Bretagne, dont les deux personnages principaux sont Punch et sa femme Judy. Il est composé de courtes scènes dans lesquelles Punch intéragit avec un autre personnage. Traditionnellement, le… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Punch and judy — est un spectacle de marionnettes célèbre en Grande Bretagne, dont les deux personnages principaux sont Punch et sa femme Judy. Il est composé de courtes scènes dans lesquelles Punch intéragit avec un autre personnage. Traditionnellement, le… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Punch (cigar brand) — Punch is the name of two brands of cigars, one produced on the island of Cuba for Habanos SA, the Cuban state owned tobacco company, and the other produced in Honduras for General Cigar. History The Punch brand was first registered in 1840 by… …   Wikipedia

  • punch — punch1 [punch] n. [prob. < var. of ponchon: see PUNCHEON1] 1. a) a tool driven or pressed against a surface that is to be stamped, pierced, etc. b) a tool driven against a nail, bolt, etc. that is to be worked in, or against a pin that is to… …   English World dictionary

  • Punch and Judy (opera) — Punch and Judy is an opera with music by Harrison Birtwistle and a libretto by Stephen Pruslin, based on the puppet figures of the same names. Birtwistle wrote the score from 1966 to 1967. The opera was first performed at the Aldeburgh Festival,… …   Wikipedia

  • Punch Brothers — Punch Brothers …   Википедия

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