Representative style

Representative style
Форма (выводимого изображения), удобная для восприятия.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Representative style" в других словарях:

  • STYLE — Sous l’égide de la linguistique, le style devient aujourd’hui l’objet d’une science: la stylistique veut être la science des registres de la langue, et elle s’efforce de définir le style comme concept opératoire. Mais le mot style a, dans l’usage …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Style (manner of address) — A style of office, or honorific, is a term which by tradition or law precedes a reference to a person who holds a post or title, or to the political office itself. An honorific can also be awarded to an individual in a personal capacity. Such… …   Wikipedia

  • Style of the British sovereign — The precise style of British Sovereigns has varied over the years. The present style is: Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of …   Wikipedia

  • Geometric style — Style of vase painting that flourished in Athens с 1000–700 BC. Vases decorated in this style feature horizontal bands filled with geometric patterns such as zigzags, triangles, and swastikas in dark paint on a light ground. The rhythmic effect… …   Universalium

  • Biedermeier style — Style of German and Austrian art, furniture, and decoration that developed с 1815 to 1848. Gottlieb ( Papa ) Biedermeier was a fictional cartoon character, the comic symbol of middle class comfort, with an emphasis on family life and the pursuit… …   Universalium

  • Venetian polychoral style — San Marco in the evening. The spacious, resonant interior of this building was an inspiration for the development of this musical style. The Venetian polychoral style was a type of music of the late Renaissance and early Baroque eras which… …   Wikipedia

  • Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations — Representante Permanente de Colombia ante las Naciones Unidas Flag of the United Nations Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs …   Wikipedia

  • Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Mathematics — This guideline is a part of the English Wikipedia s Manual of Style. Use common sense in applying it; it will have occasional exceptions. Please ensure that any edits to this page reflect consensus. Shortcuts: WP:MSM MO …   Wikipedia

  • American-style lager — beer is a common variety of beer, a type of pale lager, traditionally made and consumed in North America, but also popular in much of the rest of the world. It derives ultimately from the Czech Pilsner, but is characterized by a much lighter… …   Wikipedia

  • Asiatic style — The Asiatic style or Asianism (Latin: genus orationis Asiaticum, Cicero, Brutus 325) refers to an Ancient Greek rhetorical tendency (though not an organized school) that arose in the third century BC, which later became an important point of… …   Wikipedia

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