Arabic type

Arabic type
Арабский шрифт.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Arabic type" в других словарях:

  • Arabic influence on the Spanish language — has been significant, due to the Islamic presence in the Iberian peninsula between 711 and 1492 A.D. (see Al Andalus). Modern day Spanish language (also called castellano in Spanish) first appeared in the small Christian Kingdom of Castile in… …   Wikipedia

  • ARABIC LANGUAGE — ARABIC LANGUAGE. According to the generally accepted division of the semitic languages , Arabic (also called, more appropriately, North Arabic) belongs to the southwest Semitic branch, although some scholars affiliate it with central Semitic. The …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Arabic language — Arabic redirects here. For other uses, see Arabic (disambiguation). For the literary standard, see Modern Standard Arabic. For vernaculars, see varieties of Arabic. For others, see Arabic languages. Arabic العربية/عربي/عربى al ʿarabiyyah/ʿarabī …   Wikipedia

  • Arabic literature — (Arabic: الأدب العربي Al Adab Al Arabi ) is the writing produced, both prose and poetry, by speakers (not necessarily native speakers) of the Arabic language. It does not usually include works written using the Arabic alphabet but not in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Arabic grammar — Arabic is a Semitic language. See Arabic language for more information on the language in general. This article describes the grammar of Classical Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic. History The identity of the oldest Arabic grammarian is disputed …   Wikipedia

  • Arabic maqam — Arabic maqām ( ar. مقام; pl. maqāmāt مقامات or maqams ) is the system of melodic modes used in traditional Arabic music, which is mainly melodic. The word maqam in Arabic means place, location or rank. The Arabic maqam is a melody type. Each… …   Wikipedia

  • Arabic epic literature — encompasses epic poetry and epic fantasy in Arabic literature. Virtually all societies have developed folk tales encompassing tales of heroes. Although many of these are legends, many are based on real events and historical figures.Epic… …   Wikipedia

  • Arabic hip hop — is hip hop music and culture originating in the Arabic speaking world. It is performed in English, local Arabic dialects, Hebrew, and French. Like most artists of the genre, these artists are highly influenced by American hip hop.Hip hop music is …   Wikipedia

  • Arabic Short Story — Arabic Short Story= With the development of the printing press in the 19th century, the Arabic short story (Arabic القصة القصيرة) first appeared in 1870 in daily newspapers and weekly magazines, perhaps because it is compact enough to be… …   Wikipedia

  • Arabic Typesetting — Schriftart Arabic Typesetting Kategorie Nasch Typograf …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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