Reflection halo

Reflection halo
Ореол отражения.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Reflection halo" в других словарях:

  • halo — i. The luminous effect produced by the refraction and reflection of light by prismatic ice crystals present in the cirrus and cirrostratus clouds. It is a white circle or prismatic arc of a circle, with the sun or the moon at the center. They are …   Aviation dictionary

  • halo —    Also known as optical halo and corona. The term halo comes from the Greek noun halos,which means area. In meteorology and physics the terms halo, optical halo, and corona are used to denote a * physical illusion consisting of a luminous or… …   Dictionary of Hallucinations

  • halo — /hay loh/, n., pl. halos, haloes, v., haloed, haloing. n. 1. Also called nimbus. a geometric shape, usually in the form of a disk, circle, ring, or rayed structure, traditionally representing a radiant light around or above the head of a divine… …   Universalium

  • halo — I. noun (plural halos or haloes) Etymology: Latin halos, from Greek halōs threshing floor, disk, halo Date: 1603 1. a circle of light appearing to surround the sun or moon and resulting from refraction or reflection of light by ice particles in… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • halo — ha•lo [[t]ˈheɪ loʊ[/t]] n. pl. los, loes, 1) Also called nimbus the representation, as in pictures or statuary, of a radiant light, usu. in the shape of a disk, ring, or rayed form, above or around the head of a divine, holy, or greatly exalted… …   From formal English to slang

  • halo — 1. noun /ˈheɪləʊ/ˈheɪɫoʊ a) A circular band of coloured light, visible around the sun or moon etc., caused by reflection and refraction of light by ice crystals in the atmosphere …   Wiktionary

  • Cellini's halo — heiligenschein. [named after Benvenuto CELLINI, who described the effect] * * * ▪ physics also called  Heiligenschein,         bright white ring surrounding the shadow of the observer s head on a dew covered lawn with a low solar elevation angle …   Universalium

  • Hevelian halo — /heuh vay lee euhn/ a faint white halo with an angular radius of 90° that is occasionally seen around the sun or the moon, thought to be caused by the reflection and refraction of sunlight by ice crystals. [after J. HEVELIUS; see IAN] * * * …   Universalium

  • Hevelian halo — /heuh vay lee euhn/ a faint white halo with an angular radius of 90° that is occasionally seen around the sun or the moon, thought to be caused by the reflection and refraction of sunlight by ice crystals. [after J. HEVELIUS; see IAN] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Rainbow — For other uses, see Rainbow (disambiguation). Double rainbow and supernumerary rainbows on the inside of the primary arc. The shadow of the photographer s head on the bottom marks the centre of the rainbow circle (antisolar point). A rainbow is… …   Wikipedia

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