Reference character

Reference character
Выносная буква алфавитного указателя.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Reference character" в других словарях:

  • character — Synonyms and related words: Adamite, Altmann theory, DNA, De Vries theory, Galtonian theory, Mendelianism, Mendelism, RNA, Roscius, VIP, Verworn theory, Weismann theory, Weismannism, Wiesner theory, abnormal, accent, accent mark, acclaim, actor,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • reference — ref‧er‧ence [ˈrefrəns] noun [countable] 1. with reference to formal used to say what you are writing or talking about, especially in business letters: • With reference to your recent advertisement, I am writing to apply for the post of sales… …   Financial and business terms

  • Character shield — Character shields (also known as plot armor or plot shield) are plot devices in films and television shows that prevent important characters from dying or being seriously injured at dramatically inconvenient moments. It often denotes a situation… …   Wikipedia

  • Character (in Catholic Theology) —     Character (in Catholic Theology)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Character (in Catholic Theology)     Character indicates a special effect produced by three of the sacraments, viz. Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy orders. This special effect is… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • reference — [n1] remark, citation advertence, allusion, associating, attributing, bringing up, connecting, hint, implication, indicating, innuendo, insinuation, mention, mentioning, note, plug*, pointing out, quotation, relating, resource, source, stating;… …   New thesaurus

  • Character orientation — is how people relate to the world by acquiring and using things (assimilation) and by relating to self and others (socialization), and they can do so either nonproductively or productively.[1] Erich Fromm is a theorist who came up with six… …   Wikipedia

  • character — [kar′ək tər, kar′iktər] n. [ME carecter < OFr caractère < L character, an engraving instrument < Gr charaktēr < charassein, to engrave < charax, pointed stake] 1. a distinctive mark 2. a) any letter, figure, or symbol used in… …   English World dictionary

  • character reference — character ,reference noun count a REFERENCE for a job …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • reference — ref·er·ence / re frəns, fə rəns/ n 1: an act of referring; specif: mention or citation of one document (as a statute) in another a municipality may adopt by reference all or a part of this title Alaska Statutes see also incorporate 2 …   Law dictionary

  • reference — [ref′ə rəns, ref′rəns] n. 1. a referring or being referred; esp., submission of a problem, dispute, etc. to a person, committee, or authority for settlement 2. relation; connection; regard [in reference to his letter] 3. a) the directing of… …   English World dictionary

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