Reduced small

Reduced small
Формат карточек 5,3x8,8 см.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Reduced small" в других словарях:

  • small arm — small armed, adj. Usually, small arms. a firearm designed to be held in one or both hands while being fired: in the U.S. the term is applied to weapons of a caliber of up to one in. (2.5 cm). [1680 90] * * * ▪ military technology Introduction… …   Universalium

  • Reduced mass — is the effective inertial mass appearing in the two body problem of Newtonian mechanics. This is a quantity with the unit of mass, which allows the two body problem to be solved as if it were a one body problem. Note however that the mass… …   Wikipedia

  • Small-toothed sportive lemur — Conservation status Data Deficient …   Wikipedia

  • Small-angle X-ray scattering — (SAXS) is a small angle scattering (SAS) technique where the elastic scattering of X rays (wavelength 0.1 ... 0.2 nm) by a sample which has inhomogeneities in the nm range, is recorded at very low angles (typically 0.1 10°). This angular range… …   Wikipedia

  • Small entity status — in United States patent law allows small businesses, independent inventors, nonprofit organizations to file a patent application and maintain an issued patent for a reduced fee mdash;a 50% reduction.Under 13 CFR 121.802(a), an entity qualifies as …   Wikipedia

  • small companies rate — A reduced rate of corporation tax applied to small companies with taxable profit below ₤300,000. The rate is 10 per cent on the first ₤10,000 of profit with a marginal rate of 22.5 percent on profits between ₤10,000 and ₤50,000. 20 per cent… …   Law dictionary

  • small entity — Status of a patent applicant that entitles the applicant to pay reduced application, issuance, and maintenance fees. Small entities are any for profit company with 500 or fewer employees, any nonprofit organization, or an independent inventor.… …   Law dictionary

  • Small cancellation theory — In the mathematical subject of group theory, small cancellation theory studies groups given by group presentations satisfying small cancellation conditions, that is where defining relations have small overlaps with each other. It turns out that… …   Wikipedia

  • Reduced instruction set computer — The acronym RISC (pronounced risk ), for reduced instruction set computing, represents a CPU design strategy emphasizing the insight that simplified instructions which do less may still provide for higher performance if this simplicity can be… …   Wikipedia

  • Reduced cost — In linear programming, reduced cost, or opportunity cost, is the cost for increasing a variable by a small amount, i.e., the first derivative from a certain point on the polyhedron that constraints the problem. When the point is a vertex in the… …   Wikipedia

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