Recording cylinder

Recording cylinder
Записывающий цилиндр (в цветоделителе-цветокорректоре).

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Recording cylinder" в других словарях:

  • Cylinder-head-sector — Cylinder head sector, also known as CHS, was an early method for giving addresses to each physical block of data on a hard disk drive. In the case of floppy drives, for which the same exact diskette medium can be truly low level formatted to… …   Wikipedia

  • Recording studio — Further information: Movie studio, Studio, and Television studio Studio control room with a mixing console, monitor speakers, and MIDI workstation. A recording studio is a facility for sound recording and mixing. Ideally both the… …   Wikipedia

  • cylinder recording — ▪ phonograph record       earliest form of phonograph record, invented by Thomas A. Edison (Edison, Thomas Alva) in 1877. The sound to be recorded was focused by a horn onto a diaphragm, causing it to vibrate; the vibrations were transmitted to a …   Universalium

  • Phonograph cylinder — Two Edison cylinder records (on either end) and their cardboard storage cartons (center) Phonograph cylinders were the earliest commercial medium for recording and reproducing sound. Commonly known simply as records in their era of greatest… …   Wikipedia

  • Sound recording and reproduction — Sound recorder redirects here. For the audio recording program computer software, see Sound Recorder (Windows). Sound recording and reproduction is an electrical or mechanical inscription and re creation of sound waves, such as spoken voice,… …   Wikipedia

  • music recording — Introduction       physical record of a musical performance that can then be played back, or reproduced.       Because music evaporates as soon as it is produced, humans, seeking permanence in life s ephemera, have long sought ways to record and… …   Universalium

  • History of sound recording — Methods and media for sound recording are varied and have undergone significant changes between the first time sound was actually recorded for later playback until now. Technology Mechanical recording The first devices for recording sound were… …   Wikipedia

  • National Recording Registry — Martin Luther King Jr. s I Have a Dream speech was one of the 50 recordings added on the first year of existence of the United States National Recording Registry. The National Recording Registry is a list of sound recordings that are culturally,… …   Wikipedia

  • Reel-to-reel audio tape recording — Reel to reel redirects here. For the music group, see Reel 2 Real. For other uses, see roll to roll processing. A reel to reel tape recorder (Sony TC 630), typical of those which were once common audiophile objects. Note the distinctive Scotch… …   Wikipedia

  • Wire recording — A Peirce 55 B dictation wire recorder from 1945 …   Wikipedia

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