Quarto book

Quarto book
Книга в формате кварто.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Quarto book" в других словарях:

  • quarto — [kwôrt′ō] n. pl. quartos [< L (in) quarto < in, in + quarto, abl. of quartus, fourth: see QUART1] 1. the page size of a book made up of sheets each of which is folded twice to form four leaves, or eight pages, about nine by twelve inches in …   English World dictionary

  • Quarto — (Italian for fourth ) could refer to:Texts: * A quarto is a technique in bookbinding and publishing, and the books of the resulting size, when four leaves of a book are created from a standard size sheet of paper *For specific information about… …   Wikipedia

  • Quarto Group — Inc (LSE: QRT) is an international publishing house based in London and New York City, known for its illustrated books. It was established in London in 1976 by co founders Laurence Orbach and Robert Morley and was listed on the London Stock… …   Wikipedia

  • Quarto — Quar to, n.; pl. {Quartos}. Originally, a book of the size of the fourth of sheet of printing paper; a size leaves; in present usage, a book of a square or nearly square form, and usually of large size. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • quarto — ► NOUN (pl. quartos) 1) a page or paper size resulting from folding a sheet into four leaves, typically 10 inches x 8 inches (254 x 203 mm). 2) a book of this size. ORIGIN from Latin in quarto in the fourth (of a sheet) …   English terms dictionary

  • book — [n1] published document album, atlas, bestseller, bible, booklet, brochure, codex, compendium, copy, dictionary, dissertation, edition, encyclopedia, essay, fiction, folio, handbook, hardcover, leaflet, lexicon, magazine, manual, monograph,… …   New thesaurus

  • Book size — Comparison of some book sizes based on American Library Association The size of a book is generally measured by the height against the width of a leaf,[1] or sometimes the height and width of its cover.[2] A series o …   Wikipedia

  • Book of Concord — The Book of Concord   Title page from the …   Wikipedia

  • Quarto (text) — A quarto (also 4to or 4º) is a term in printing, referring to a size of book common in the early modern era. Quarto texts were printed on the two sides of large paper sheets, measuring 9 (23 cm) by 12 (30 cm), roughly the size of most modern… …   Wikipedia

  • Book — A book is a set or collection of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of paper, parchment, or other material, usually fastened together to hinge at one side. A single sheet within a book is called a leaf, and each side of a leaf… …   Wikipedia

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