Pyroxylin-coated coated

Pyroxylin-coated coated
Ткань с пироксилиновым покрытием.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Pyroxylin-coated coated" в других словарях:

  • coated — /koh tid/, adj. 1. having a coat. 2. (of paper) having a highly polished coating applied to provide a smooth surface for printing. 3. (of a fabric) having a coating, as of plastic, paint, or pyroxylin, to make it impervious to moisture. [1555 65; …   Universalium

  • coated — /ˈkoʊtəd/ (say kohtuhd) adjective 1. (of paper) having a highly polished coating applied to provide a smooth surface for printing. 2. (of a fabric) having a plastic, paint, or pyroxylin coating, making it impervious to moisture. 3. having a coat …  

  • Keratol — ˈkerəˌtȯl, tōl trademark used for a pyroxylin coated waterproof material used especially in bookbinding …   Useful english dictionary

  • Collodion process — An old deteriorated wet plate featuring Theodore Roosevelt The collodion process is an early photographic process. It was introduced in the 1850s and by the end of that decade it had almost entirely replaced the first practical photographic… …   Wikipedia

  • Nitrocellulose — Nitrocellulose[1] …   Wikipedia

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