Pump cam lever connecting rod

Pump cam lever connecting rod
Штанга механизма насоса.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Pump cam lever connecting rod" в других словарях:

  • Fuel pump — should not be confused with fuel dispenser, a device that dispenses fuel into an automobile. A high pressure fuel pump on a Yanmar 2GM20 marine diesel engine. A fuel pump is a frequently (but not always) essential component on a car or other… …   Wikipedia

  • Inventions in medieval Islam — A significant number of inventions were developed in the medieval Islamic world, a geopolitical region that has at various times extended from Al Andalus and Africa in the west to the Indian subcontinent and Malay Archipelago in the east.… …   Wikipedia

  • Al-Jazari — Abū al Iz Ibn Ismā īl ibn al Razāz al Jazarī (1136 1206) ( ar. أَبُو اَلْعِزِ بْنُ إسْماعِيلِ بْنُ الرِّزاز الجزري) was an important Arab [citation|title=Archimedes Weapons of War and Leonardo|first=D. L.|last=Simms|journal=The British Journal… …   Wikipedia

  • Timeline of Islamic science and engineering — This timeline of Islamic science and engineering covers the general development of science and technology in the Islamic world during the Islamic Golden Age, usually dated from the 7th to 16th centuries.From the 17th century onwards, the advances …   Wikipedia

  • Carburetor — Bendix Technico (Stromberg) 1 barrel downdraft carburetor model BXUV 3, with nomenclature A carburetor (American spelling), carburettor, or carburetter (Commonwealth spelling) is a device that blends air and fuel for an internal combustion engine …   Wikipedia

  • Ignition system — For other uses, see Ignition system (disambiguation). An ignition system is a system for igniting a fuel air mixture. Ignition systems are well known in the field of internal combustion engines such as those used in petrol (gasoline) engines used …   Wikipedia

  • Mechanical calculator — An old Russian mechanical calculator. A mechanical calculator is a device used to perform the basic operations of arithmetic. Mechanical calculators are comparable in size to small desktop computers and have been rendered obsolete by the advent… …   Wikipedia

  • Diesel engine — Diesel engines in a museum Diesel generator on an oil tanker …   Wikipedia

  • Timeline of agriculture and food technology — Timeline of agriculture and food technologyNeolithic Revolution* 12,000 BC Neolithic Revolution, the first agricultural revolution, begins in the ancient Near East * 12,000 BC Natufians in the Levant begin harvesting wild grasses. * 9800 BC… …   Wikipedia

  • Taqi al-Din — Muhammad ibn Ma ruf al Shami al Asadi (Arabic: تقي الدين محمد بن معروف الشامي السعدي, Turkish: Takiyuddin) (1526 ndash;1585) was a major Ottoman Turkish [cite journal last = Douglas | first = A. V. year =1963 title = Tenth International Congress… …   Wikipedia

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