
Полировка (напр. формных пластин) пемзой.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Pumicing" в других словарях:

  • pumice — pumiceous /pyooh mish euhs/, adj. pumicer, n. /pum is/, n., v., pumiced, pumicing. n. 1. Also called pumice stone. a porous or spongy form of volcanic glass, used as an abrasive. v.t. 2. to rub, smooth, clean, etc., with pumice. [bef. 1000; < L… …   Universalium

  • abrasion — n 1. rub, fret, fray, Inf. frazzle; scrape, scratch, graze, scuff, sore, Both Path. canker, ulcer. 2. erosion, eroding, wearing, wearing down or away, detrition, attrition, abrading, corrosion, corroding; fretting, gnawing, fraying, chafing;… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • attrition — n 1. friction, rubbing, rubbing against; abrasion, whetting, sanding, pumicing, grinding, filing, chafing, fraying, fretting, corrosion, corroding, gnawing, eating out or away, consumption, consuming, devouring; scraping, scrape, excoriation,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • friction — n 1. rubbing against, rub, rubbing down, massaging, massage; abrasion, abrading, attrition, detrition, wearing against, chafing, fretting, gnawing, fraying; grinding, whetting, filing, sanding, pumicing; grating, rasping, scouring, scraping,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • grind — v 1. whet, mill, kibble, stone, sand, sandpaper, pumice; grate, file, rasp, scrape, gride; smooth, polish, burnish, buff. 2. crush, bray, pound, beat, mash, smash, Sl. smush; pulverize, mortar, comminute, triturate, levigate, powder, granulate,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • polish — v 1. wax, buff, burnish, rub down, smooth; shine, gloss, luster, brighten, glaze, Scot, and North. Eng. sheen; abrade, grind, pumice, scour, scrub, clean. 2. sparkle, glitter, gleam, glisten, shimmer, glow, beam, radiate. 3. perfect, consummate,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • rasp — v 1. scrape, scratch, excoriate, abrade, rub, scour, scrub; grate, shred, file, whet, sand, sandpaper, pumice; grind, mortar, levigate, triturate. 2. irritate, aggravate, exasperate, exacerbate, rub the wrong way; annoy, vex, irk, peeve, gall,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • scrape — v 1. grate, rasp, file, scrape off; strip, decorticate, peel, skin, bark, husk, shuck, excoriate; grind, whet, sand, sandpaper, pumice; abrade, rub off, chafe, graze, scour, scrub; smooth, polish, burnish, buff. 2. scratch, scuff, mar, scar, Scot …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • pumice — /ˈpʌməs / (say pumuhs) noun Also, pumice stone. 1. a porous or spongy form of volcanic glass, used, especially when powdered, as an abrasive, etc. –verb (t) (pumiced, pumicing) 2. to rub, smooth, clean, etc., with pumice. {Middle English pomis,… …  

  • pumice — [pum′is] n. [ME pomis < OFr < L pumex < IE base * (s)poimno , FOAM] an extremely porous, glassy, extrusive igneous rock typically light enough to float on water, used as an abrasive and in making soaps, polishes, etc.: also pumice stone… …   English World dictionary

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