Pencil of light

Pencil of light
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Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Pencil of light" в других словарях:

  • pencil — 1 noun (C, U) 1 a narrow pointed wooden instrument, used for writing or drawing, containing a thin stick of a black or coloured substance: written in pencil | drawn with a pencil | a pencil sketch 2 a pencil of light a narrow beam of light… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • pencil — 1. noun 1) a sharpened pencil Syn: lead pencil, mechanical pencil, colored pencil; grease pencil; eyebrow pencil, lip pencil 2) a pencil of light Syn: beam, ray, shaft, finger, gleam …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • Pencil — Pen cil, n. [OF. pincel, F. pinceau, L. penicillum, penicillus, equiv. to peniculus, dim. of penis a tail. Cf. {Penicil}.] 1. A small, fine brush of hair or bristles used by painters for laying on colors. [1913 Webster] With subtile pencil… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pencil case — Pencil Pen cil, n. [OF. pincel, F. pinceau, L. penicillum, penicillus, equiv. to peniculus, dim. of penis a tail. Cf. {Penicil}.] 1. A small, fine brush of hair or bristles used by painters for laying on colors. [1913 Webster] With subtile pencil …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pencil flower — Pencil Pen cil, n. [OF. pincel, F. pinceau, L. penicillum, penicillus, equiv. to peniculus, dim. of penis a tail. Cf. {Penicil}.] 1. A small, fine brush of hair or bristles used by painters for laying on colors. [1913 Webster] With subtile pencil …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pencil lead — Pencil Pen cil, n. [OF. pincel, F. pinceau, L. penicillum, penicillus, equiv. to peniculus, dim. of penis a tail. Cf. {Penicil}.] 1. A small, fine brush of hair or bristles used by painters for laying on colors. [1913 Webster] With subtile pencil …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Light painting — Light painting, also known as light drawing is a photographic technique in which exposures are made usually at night or in a darkened room by moving a hand held light source or by moving the camera. In many cases the light source itself does not… …   Wikipedia

  • Light at the End — is a 2007 studio album by the Portland, Maine band Rustic Overtones, the first album put out by the band since its break up in 2002. The album was recorded in the spring of 2007, released on July 24th, 2007 [… …   Wikipedia

  • Light Green SF yellowish — Light Green SF yellowish, or Light Green, Acid Green, Lissamine green SF, Acid Green 5, Food Green 2, FD C Green no. 2, Green No. 205, Acid Brilliant Green 5, Pencil Green SF, or C.I. 42095 , is a green triarylmethane dye. It is used in histology …   Wikipedia

  • Pencil — This article is about the handwriting instrument. For other uses, see Pencil (disambiguation). HB graphite pencils A pencil is a …   Wikipedia

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