Parallel translation

Parallel translation
Параллельный перевод (написанный рядом с текстом оригинала).

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Parallel translation" в других словарях:

  • Parallel translation — can refer to either:* parallel transport, in mathematics * parallel text, in translation …   Wikipedia

  • Parallel coordinates — is a common way of visualizing high dimensional geometry and analyzing multivariate data. To show a set of points in an n dimensional space, a backdrop is drawn consisting of n parallel lines, typically vertical and equally spaced. A point in n… …   Wikipedia

  • Parallel text — A parallel text is a text placed alongside its translation or translations. Parallel text alignment is the identification of the corresponding sentences in both halves of the parallel text. The Loeb Classical Library and the Clay Sanskrit Library …   Wikipedia

  • Parallel Lives — Plutarch s Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans , commonly called Parallel Lives or Plutarch s Lives , is a series of biographies of famous men, arranged in tandem to illuminate their common moral virtues or failings. The surviving Parallel Lives …   Wikipedia

  • TRANSLATION AND TRANSLATORS — The earliest Jewish translations, apart from possible examples in the Bible, are the Greek version of the Pentateuch and, later, other books of the Bible, which were made to fill a need in the Greek speaking Jewish community of Alexandria and… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Translation lookaside buffer — A Translation lookaside buffer (TLB) is a CPU cache that is used by memory management hardware to improve the speed of virtual address translation. All current desktop and server processors (such as x86) use a TLB. A TLB has a fixed number of… …   Wikipedia

  • Translation — For other uses, see Translation (disambiguation). Translator redirects here. For other uses, see Translator (disambiguation). Contents 1 Etymology 2 Theory …   Wikipedia

  • Translation memory — A translation memory, or TM, is a type of database that stores segments that have been previously translated. A translation memory system stores the words, phrases and paragraphs that have already been translated and aid human translators. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Parallel curve — An ellipse (red), its evolute (blue) and some parallel curves (green). Note how the parallel curves have cusps when they touch the evolute …   Wikipedia

  • translation — translational, adj. translationally, adv. /trans lay sheuhn, tranz /, n. 1. the rendering of something into another language or into one s own from another language. 2. a version of such a rendering: a new translation of Plato. 3. change or… …   Universalium

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