Ornamented back

Ornamented back
Корешок, украшенный орнаментом.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Ornamented back" в других словарях:

  • ladder-back chair — [lad′ər bak΄] n. a chair with a back of two upright posts connected by horizontal slats * * * ▪ furniture        chair with a tall back constructed of horizontal slats or spindles between two uprights. The type is utilitarian and often rustic;… …   Universalium

  • shell back — an underside of a spoon bowl ornamented with a shell motif. * * * …   Universalium

  • shell back — an underside of a spoon bowl ornamented with a shell motif …   Useful english dictionary

  • metalwork — metalworker, n. /met l werrk /, n. objects made of metal. [1840 50; METAL + WORK] * * * Useful and decorative objects fashioned of various metals. The oldest technique is hammering. After с 2500 BC, casting was also used, molten metal being… …   Universalium

  • furniture — furnitureless, adj. /ferr ni cheuhr/, n. 1. the movable articles, as tables, chairs, desks or cabinets, required for use or ornament in a house, office, or the like. 2. fittings, apparatus, or necessary accessories for something. 3. equipment for …   Universalium

  • Southeast Asian arts — Literary, performing, and visual arts of Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines. The classical literatures of Southeast Asia can be divided into three major regions: the Sanskrit region of… …   Universalium

  • arts, East Asian — Introduction       music and visual and performing arts of China, Korea, and Japan. The literatures of these countries are covered in the articles Chinese literature, Korean literature, and Japanese literature.       Some studies of East Asia… …   Universalium

  • Edinburgh —    EDINBURGH, a city, the seat of a university, and the metropolis of the kingdom of Scotland, situated in longitude 3° 10 30 (W.), and latitude 55° 57 29 (N.), about a mile (S. by W.) from Leith, 40 miles (S.S.W.) from Dundee, 42 (E. by N.) from …   A Topographical dictionary of Scotland

  • Antioch, Pisidia — Antioch in Pisidia ndash; alternatively Antiochia in Pisidia or Pisidian Antioch ( el. Ἀντιόχεια τῆς Πισιδίας) and in Roman Empire, Latin: Antiochia Caesareia or Antiochia Caesaria ndash; is a city in the Turkish Lakes Region, which is at the… …   Wikipedia

  • interior design — 1. the design and coordination of the decorative elements of the interior of a house, apartment, office, or other structural space, including color schemes, fittings, furnishings, and sometimes architectural features. 2. the art, business, or… …   Universalium

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