Occasional publication

Occasional publication
Разовое издание.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Occasional publication" в других словарях:

  • Occasional Discourse on the Negro Question — The essay Occasional Discourse on the Negro Question [1][2] was written by Thomas Carlyle about the acceptability of using negro slaves (the so called Negro Question ) and possible indentured servitude. It was first published as an article in… …   Wikipedia

  • An Occasional Discourse on the Nigger Question — Occasional Discourse on the Nigger Question is an essay written by Thomas Carlyle. It was first published in Fraiser s Magazine of London in 1849 and was reprinted in a pamphlet of the same name in 1853. It was the spark of the Carlyle Mill Negro …   Wikipedia

  • Thesis by publication — A thesis by publication, also known as an article thesis,[1] is a doctoral dissertation that, as opposed to a coherent monograph, is a collection of research articles with introductory summary chapters. It comprises already published journal… …   Wikipedia

  • Cork University Press — Parent company Cork University Founded 1925 Country of origin Ireland Headquarters location Cork Publication types Books, Academic journals …   Wikipedia

  • Fauna of Ireland — The red deer (Cervus elaphus) is Ireland s largest wild mammal and could be considered Ireland s national animal. A stag appeared on the old £1 coin …   Wikipedia

  • Alexander Henry Haliday — Alexander Henry Haliday, also known as Enrico Alessandro Haliday and Alexis Heinrich Haliday (1807–1870), was an Irish entomologist. He is primarily known for his work on Hymenoptera, Diptera and Thysanoptera, but Haliday worked on all insect… …   Wikipedia

  • Bahá'í Esperanto-League — The Bahá í Esperanto League (BEL) is the official organization of Bahá ís who are Esperantists. It was founded on 19 March 1973 with the approval of the Universal House of Justice. The Bahá í Faith and Esperanto The Bahá í Faith advocates the… …   Wikipedia

  • Henri Fournier — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Fournier. Henri Fournier (Rochecorbon, près de Tours, 19 novembre 1800 Rochecorbon, 6 mars 1888), imprimeur, est l’auteur du Traité de la Typographie, en 1825, considéré pendant très longtemps comme un des… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Neo-Eldarin — is a term that may be employed to describe the language of texts attempting to actually use the Elven tongues invented by British author and philologist J.R.R. Tolkien for his Middle earth legendarium. (The word Eldarin means Elvish in Quenya,… …   Wikipedia

  • Mayapan — (Màayapáan in Modern Maya), (in Spanish Mayapán) is a Pre Columbian Maya site a couple of kilometers south of the town of Telchaquillo in Municipality of Tecoh, approximately 40 km south east of Mérida and 100 km west of Chichen Itza;… …   Wikipedia

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