Negative option

Negative option
Способ торговли, обязывающий покупателя оплатить предложенные ему по почте товары, если он в письменном виде от них не отказывается (широко применяется книжными клубами).

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Negative option" в других словарях:

  • negative option — negative option, adj. a clause in a sales contract, as for a series of books or records, that provides that merchandise will be sent periodically to the subscriber unless he or she notifies the company in writing that it is not wanted. [1970 75]… …   Universalium

  • negative option — noun : a provision in a mail order contract (as of a book club) that requires the customer either to return a refusal card within a specified time or to accept the current selection * * * negative option, adj. a clause in a sales contract, as for …   Useful english dictionary

  • Negative option billing — is a business practice in which goods or services are provided automatically, and the customer must either pay for the service or specifically decline it in advance of billing.[1] This is, for example, the model on which mail order services, such …   Wikipedia

  • Option-adjusted spread — (OAS) is the flat spread which has to be added to the treasury yield curve in a pricing model (that accounts for embedded options) to discount a security payment to match its market price. OAS is hence model dependent. This concept can be applied …   Wikipedia

  • Option adjusted spread — (OAS) is the flat spread over the treasury yield curve required to discount a security payment to match its market price. This concept can be applied to mortgage backed security (MBS), Options, Bonds and any other interest rate… …   Wikipedia

  • Negative amortization — In finance, negative amortization, also known as NegAm, deferred interest or graduated payment mortgage, occurs whenever the loan payment for any period is less than the interest charged over that period so that the outstanding balance of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Option time value — Finance Financial markets Bond market …   Wikipedia

  • Option style — In finance, the style or family of an option is a general term denoting the class into which the option falls, usually defined by the dates on which the option may be exercised. The vast majority of options are either European or American (style) …   Wikipedia

  • Negative liberty — Part of a series on Freedom Concepts …   Wikipedia

  • Negative probability — In 1942, Paul Dirac wrote a paper The Physical Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics [1] where he introduced the concept of negative energies and negative probabilities: Negative energies and probabilities should not be considered as nonsense. They …   Wikipedia

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