Alternative classification

Alternative classification
Альтернативная классификация.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Alternative classification" в других словарях:

  • Alternative splicing — produces two protein isoforms. Alternative splicing (or differential splicing) is a process by which the exons of the RNA produced by transcription of a gene (a primary gene transcript or pre mRNA) are reconnected in multiple ways during RNA… …   Wikipedia

  • Alternative taxonomical classification — Alternative taxonomical classifications are those which differ from the commonly accepted classifications in fundamental ways. One could say that every single classification system since Linnaeus has been alternative at some point, before it was… …   Wikipedia

  • Alternative medicine — Alternative medical systems …   Wikipedia

  • Alternative media — are media (newspapers, radio, television, movies, Internet, etc.) which are alternatives to the business or government owned mass media. Proponents of alternative media argue that the mainstream media are biased. While sources of alternative… …   Wikipedia

  • Alternative Judaism — or Agnostic Judaism refers to a variety of groups whose members, while identifying as Jews in some fashion, nevertheless do not practice Rabbinical Judaism as most other Jews. VarietyGenerally, beliefs of these groups are not compatible with… …   Wikipedia

  • Classification of mental disorders — Main article: Mental disorder Psychology …   Wikipedia

  • Classification rule — See also: Statistical classification and Classification in machine learning Given a population whose members can be potentially separated into a number of different sets or classes, a classification rule is a procedure in which the elements… …   Wikipedia

  • Classification of Romance languages — The internal classification of the Romance languages is a complex and sometimes controversial topic which may not have a unique answer. Several classifications have been proposed, based on different criteria. Romance Geographic distribution …   Wikipedia

  • Classification sous contrainte — En intelligence artificielle, la classification sous contrainte désigne une famille d algorithmes d apprentissage semi supervisée. Cette dernière occupe une place intermédiaire entre l apprentissage supervisé (pour laquelle les étiquettes de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Alternative — An alternative is an object or action which can be chosen. Alternative may also refer to: Genres of music * Alternative rock * Alternative dance * Alternative metal * Alternative hip hop * Alternative countryOther music* Alternative (album), an… …   Wikipedia

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