Molding process

Molding process
Процесс матрицирования.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Molding process" в других словарях:

  • Molding (process) — One half of a bronze mold for casting a socketed spear head dated to the period 1400 1000 BC. There are no known parallels for this mold …   Wikipedia

  • Unicast Ceramic Molding Process — The Unicast Ceramic Molding Process is a newer casting process that is more efficient at creating precision molds than previous methods. It can produce highly detailed parts at a cost lower than traditional high precision methods. Existing… …   Wikipedia

  • Molding — or moulding may refer to: Molding (decorative), feature formed from marble, plaster, wood, etc. and used in interior design Molding (process), process used in manufacturing to shape materials Car body molding The temporary reshaping of the fetal… …   Wikipedia

  • Molding — Mold ing, Moulding Mould ing, n. 1. The act or process of shaping in or on a mold, or of making molds; the art or occupation of a molder. [1913 Webster] 2. Anything cast in a mold, or which appears to be so, as grooved or ornamental bars of wood… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Molding sand — Molding sand, foundry sand, or green sand is sand that when moistened or oiled tends to pack well and hold its shape. It is used in the process of sand casting.Green sandGreen sand is an aggregate of sand, bentonite clay, pulverized coal and… …   Wikipedia

  • molding — (Amer.) n. process of forming something in a mold; that which has been molded; patterned edging, strip of material that is used as trim (also moulding) mold (Amer.) məʊld n. pattern or form for giving a particular shape; something that has been …   English contemporary dictionary

  • molding material — Molding materials are products which can be molded permanently by a shaping process employing mechanical forces within a given temperature range into molded parts or semi finished articles; in some cases molding materials are used in a preformed… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • molding — [mōl′diŋ] n. 1. the act or process of one that molds 2. something molded 3. a) any of various ornamental contours given to cornices, jambs, etc. b) a cornice or other projecting or sunk ornamentation, of wood, stone, brick, etc. c) a shaped strip …   English World dictionary

  • Albert lead molding process — Способ изготовления свинцовых матриц для гальваностереотипов (изобретённый Альбертом) …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • molding — /mohl ding/, n. 1. the act or process of molding. 2. something molded. 3. a strip of contoured wood or other material placed just below the juncture of a wall and a ceiling. 4. Archit., Furniture. a. any of various long, narrow, ornamental… …   Universalium

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