Modified paper

Modified paper
Модифицированная бумага.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "Modified paper" в других словарях:

  • Modified starch — Modified starch, also called starch derivatives, are prepared by physically, enzymatically, or chemically treating native starch, thereby changing the properties of the starch.[1] Modified starches are used in practically all starch …   Wikipedia

  • Modified citrus pectin — also known as citrus pectin,[1] Pecta Sol[1] and MCP[1] is a form of pectin that has been altered so that it can be more easily absorbed by the digestive tract. Pectin is a carbohydrate that is made of hundreds or thousands of polysaccharide… …   Wikipedia

  • Paper print — Paper prints were an early mechanism to establish the copyright of motion pictures by depositing them with the Library of Congress. The first and foremost user of this prosecc was Thomas Alva Edison). To that end, beginning in 1893, Edison’s… …   Wikipedia

  • Paper Heart Gallery — is an all ages music venue, art gallery, and performance space in downtown Phoenix, Arizona, USA. It is located on Grand Avenue, between 7th Avenue and Polk Street.Owner and operator Scott Sanders created The Paper Heart as a website in 2000 in… …   Wikipedia

  • Modified Newtonian dynamics — MOND redirects here. For other uses, see Mond. In physics, Modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) is a hypothesis that proposes a modification of Newton s law of gravity to explain the galaxy rotation problem. When the uniform velocity of rotation of …   Wikipedia

  • Modified atmosphere — Testing the atmosphere in a plastic bag of carrots Modified atmosphere is the practice of modifying the composition of the internal atmosphere of a package (commonly food packages, drugs, etc) in order to improve the shelf life. The modification… …   Wikipedia

  • Modified Harvard architecture — The Modified Harvard Architecture is a variation of the Harvard computer architecture that allows the contents of the instruction memory to be accessed as if it were data. Most modern computers that are documented as Harvard Architecture are, in… …   Wikipedia

  • Modified waterfall models — In response to the perceived problems with the pure waterfall model, many modified waterfall models have been introduced. These models may address some or all of the criticisms of the pure waterfall model. Royce s Final Model Winston W. Royce s… …   Wikipedia

  • Genetically modified food — Genetically modified foods (GM foods or GMO foods) are foods derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Genetically modified organisms have had specific changes introduced into their DNA by genetic engineering techniques. These… …   Wikipedia

  • Genetically modified food controversies — The genetically modified food controversy is a dispute over the advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified (GM) food crops. No documented health hazards have come to light since GM food was introduced in the U.S. (1994). Supporters of… …   Wikipedia

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