
Полномасштабный, полноформатный;
Производственный (в противовес лабораторному).

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Long-scale" в других словарях:

  • long scale — noun A system of numeric names in which every new term greater than million is 1,000,000 times the previous term. (i.e., a billion is a million million.) See Also: short scale …   Wiktionary

  • long scale — noun : glover scale …   Useful english dictionary

  • long-scale contrast — low contrast an increased range of grays on a radiograph, which limits visual differentiation to those image densities produced by relatively disparate structural features …   Medical dictionary

  • Long and short scales — The long and short scales are two of several different large number naming systems used throughout the world for integer powers of ten. Many countries, including most in continental Europe, use the long scale whereas most English speaking… …   Wikipedia

  • Scale (string instruments) — For the musical (rather than instrumental) scale, see Pythagorean tuning. In a string instrument, the scale length (often simply called the scale ) is the sounding length of the strings. On instruments with strings which are not stopped (harp,… …   Wikipedia

  • Scale space implementation — Scale space Scale space axioms Scale space implementation Feature detection Edge detection Blob detection Corner detection …   Wikipedia

  • Scale — (sk[=a]l), n. [AS. sc[=a]le; perhaps influenced by the kindred Icel. sk[=a]l balance, dish, akin also to D. schaal a scale, bowl, shell, G. schale, OHG. sc[=a]la, Dan. skaal drinking cup, bowl, dish, and perh. to E. scale of a fish. Cf. {Scale}… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Long Beach Island — (colloquially known as LBI) is a barrier island and summer colony along the Atlantic Ocean coast of Ocean County, New Jersey in the United States. Aligned north south, the northern portion is generally slightly higher end, low density… …   Wikipedia

  • Long distance — in telecommunications, refers to telephone calls made outside a certain area, usually characterized by an area code outside of a local call area (known in the United States as a local access and transport area or LATA). Long distance calls… …   Wikipedia

  • Long non-coding RNA — Long noncoding RNAs (long ncRNAs) are generally considered (somewhat arbitrarily) as non protein coding transcripts longer than 200 nucleotides. This limit is due to practical considerations including the separation of RNAs in common experimental …   Wikipedia

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