Linotype keyboard

Linotype keyboard
Клавиатура строкоотливной наборной машины (линотипа).

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Linotype keyboard" в других словарях:

  • Linotype machine — The Linotype machine (pronounced Line O Type [IPA| laɪnəˌtaɪp] ) is a line casting machine used in printing. The Linotype machine operator enters text on a 90 character keyboard. The machine assembles matrices , which are molds for the letter… …   Wikipedia

  • keyboard — [kē′bôrd΄] n. 1. the row or rows of keys of a piano, typewriter, linotype, computer terminal, etc. 2. a musical instrument with a keyboard; esp., an electronic piano, synthesizer, etc. as employed in a rock or jazz group vt., vi. ☆ 1. to set… …   English World dictionary

  • Linotype — Lin o*type, n. [See {Line}; {Type}.] (Print.) (a) A kind of typesetting machine which produces castings, each of which corresponds to a line of separate types. By pressing the keys of a keyboard like one on a typewriter, the matrices for one line …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Linotype — ☆ Linotype [līn′ə tīp΄ ] [< line of type] trademark for a typesetting machine that casts an entire line of type in one bar, or slug: it is operated from a keyboard n. [often l ] 1. a machine of this kind 2. matter set in this way vt., vi.… …   English World dictionary

  • linotype — linotyper, linotypist, n. /luy neuh tuyp /, v., linotyped, linotyping. Print. to typeset on a Linotype machine. [see LINOTYPE] * * * Trademark name for a typesetting machine by which characters are cast in type metal as a complete line, rather… …   Universalium

  • Linotype — /luy neuh tuyp / Trademark. a brand of typesetting machine that casts solid lines of type from brass dies, or matrices, selected automatically by actuating a keyboard. * * * Trademark name for a typesetting machine by which characters are cast in …   Universalium

  • Keyboard (computing) — In computing, a keyboard is an input device partially modelled after the typewriter keyboard which uses an arrangement of buttons, or keys which act as electronic switches. A keyboard typically has characters engraved or printed on the keys, and… …   Wikipedia

  • linotype — /ˈlaɪnətaɪp / (say luynuhtuyp) noun 1. a keyboard operated composing machine which casts solid lines of type. 2. printing produced by such a machine. –verb (i) 3. to use a linotype machine. –verb (t) 4. to set type using a linotype machine.… …  

  • Linotype machine — noun a typesetting machine operated from a keyboard that casts an entire line as a single slug of metal • Syn: ↑Linotype • Usage Domain: ↑trademark, ↑trademark (for: ↑Linotype) • Hypernyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • keyboard — Synonyms and related words: autotype, choir, claviature, console, echo, eighty eight, electrotype, fingerboard, great, ivories, keys, linotype, manual, monotype, organ manual, palaeotype, pedals, piano keys, solo, stereotype, swell …   Moby Thesaurus

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