Letter pagination

Letter pagination
Буквенная пагинация.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Letter pagination" в других словарях:

  • Pagination — For other uses, see Pagination (disambiguation). Pagination is the process of dividing information (content) into discrete pages, either electronic pages or printed pages. Today the latter are usually simply instances of the former that have been …   Wikipedia

  • Letter case — For the minimalist musical sub genre, see Lowercase (music). For New Testament minuscules, see Category:Greek New Testament minuscules. Williamsburg eighteenth century press letters In orthography and typography, letter case (or just case) is the …   Wikipedia

  • Stephanus pagination — is the system of reference and organization used in modern editions and translations of Plato (and less famously, Plutarch). Plato s (and Plutarch s) works are divided into numbers, and each number will be divided into equal sections a, b, c, d… …   Wikipedia

  • The Instance of the Letter in the Unconscious, or Reason Since Freud — is an essay by the psychoanalytic theorist Jacques Lacan, originally delivered as a talk on May 9, 1957 and later published in Lacan s 1966 book Écrits .Lacan begins the essay by declaring it to be situated halfway between speech and writing. By… …   Wikipedia

  • Twelfth Letter (Plato) — The Twelfth Letter of Plato , also known as Epistle XII or Letter XII , is an epistle that tradition has ascribed to Plato, though it is almost certainly a literary forgery. Of all the Epistles , it is the only one that is followed by an explicit …   Wikipedia

  • Fifth Letter (Plato) — The Fifth Letter of Plato , also called Epistle V or Letter V , is an epistle that tradition has ascribed to Plato. It falls among those Epistles of Plato that have nothing to do with Sicilian politics and the intrigues between Dion and his… …   Wikipedia

  • Second Letter (Plato) — The Second Letter of Plato, also called Epistle II or Letter II , is an epistle that tradition has ascribed to Plato, though some scholars consider it a forgery. In the Stephanus pagination, it spans III. 310b–315a.The Second Letter is addressed… …   Wikipedia

  • First Letter (Plato) — The First Letter of Plato, also called Epistle I or Letter I , is an epistle that tradition has ascribed to Plato, though it is universally considered a forgery. [Hamilton and Cairns, Collected Dialogues , 1516] In the Stephanus pagination, it… …   Wikipedia

  • Tenth Letter (Plato) — The Tenth Letter of Plato , also known as Epistle X or Letter X , is an epistle that tradition has ascribed to Plato. It is the shortest of the so called Epistles of Plato , comprising two or three sentences aside from the salutation, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Ninth Letter (Plato) — The Ninth Letter of Plato, also called Epistle IX or Letter IX, is an epistle that is traditionally ascribed to Plato. In the Stephanus pagination, it spans III. 357d–358b. The letter is ostensibly written to Archytas of Tarentum, whom Plato met… …   Wikipedia

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