Laser print

Laser print
Лазерная печать.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Laser print" в других словарях:

  • Laser 128 — Laser 128. Laser 128 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Laser Physics Letters — is the international Scientific journal, founded in 2003 (The first issue of the printed and online versions of the Journal appeared in January 2004), that published short communicaitons in all area of optics and applied quantum mechanics, with… …   Wikipedia

  • print·er — /ˈprıntɚ/ noun, pl ers [count] 1 : a machine that is used for printing documents, photographs, etc. I need a new printer for my office. see also ↑ink jet printer, ↑laser printer …   Useful english dictionary

  • Laser printer — HP LaserJet 4200 series printer, installed atop high capacity paper feeder …   Wikipedia

  • Print and Mail Outsourcing — Online Print to Mail is a type of Outsourcing that is coming available to the business world which is coming of age with the advent of large scale adoption of document document standards. This article will provide a brief view how it came to be,… …   Wikipedia

  • Print server — A print server, or printer server, is a device that connects printers to client computers over a network. It can accept print jobs from the computers and send the jobs to the appropriate printers. Print servers may support a variety of industry… …   Wikipedia

  • Laser pointer — A laser pointer is a portable, pen sized laser designed to be held in the hand, and most commonly used to project a point of light to highlight items of interest during a presentation. Most laser pointers have low enough power that the projected… …   Wikipedia

  • Laser excimère — Lasik La technique du Lasik (LAser in Situ Keratomileusis) est une intervention chirurgicale de l œil. Son principe consiste à découper une fine lamelle dans l épaisseur de la cornée (qui est la partie transparente de la surface de l oeil) afin… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • print — [[t]prɪ̱nt[/t]] ♦♦ prints, printing, printed 1) VERB If someone prints something such as a book or newspaper, they produce it in large quantities using a machine. [V n] He started to print his own posters to distribute abroad... [V n] The Slovene …   English dictionary

  • laser printer — la′ser print er n. cmp a high speed, high resolution computer printer that uses a laser to form dot matrix patterns and an electrostatic process to print a page at a time • Etymology: 1975–80 la′ser print ing, n …   From formal English to slang

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