Large-sheet press

Large-sheet press
Крупноформатная листовая печатная машина.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Large-sheet press" в других словарях:

  • Large format — describes large photographic films, large cameras, view cameras (including pinhole cameras) and processes that use a film or digital sensor, generally 4 x 5 inches or larger. The most common large formats are 4×5 and 8×10 inches. Less common… …   Wikipedia

  • Sheet music — For other uses, see Sheet music (disambiguation). Sheet music is written representation of music. This is a homorhythmic (i.e., hymn style) arrangement of a traditional piece entitled Adeste Fideles, in standard two staff format for mixed voices …   Wikipedia

  • Sheet metal — Sheets of stainless steel cover the Chrysler Building …   Wikipedia

  • Press camera — A press camera is a medium or large format camera suitable for use by press photographers.Press cameras were widely used from the 1900s through the early 1960s and commonly had the following features: * collapsible into strong, compact boxes *… …   Wikipedia

  • Press kit — A press kit, often referred to as a media kit in business environments, is a pre packaged set of promotional materials of a person, company, or organization distributed to members of the media for promotional use. They are often distributed to… …   Wikipedia

  • press brake — A large type of sheet metal folder, built to handle larger panels and thicknesses …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Greenland ice sheet — The Greenland Ice Sheet is a vast body of ice covering 1.71 million km², roughly 80% of the surface of Greenland. It is the second largest ice body in the world, after the Antarctic Ice Sheet. The ice sheet is almost 2,400 kilometers long in a… …   Wikipedia

  • Punch press — A punch press is a type of machine press used to cut holes in material. It can be small and manually operated and hold one simple die set, or be very large, CNC operated, with a multi station turret and hold a much larger and complex die set.… …   Wikipedia

  • rotary press — Print. a printing press in which the type or plates to be printed are fastened upon a rotating cylinder and are impressed on a continuous roll of moving paper. [1925 30] * * * Printing press that prints on paper passing between a supporting… …   Universalium

  • Oxford University Press — OUP redirects here. OUP may also refer to Ohio University Press. Oxford University Press Parent company University of Oxford Founded 1586 Country of origin …   Wikipedia

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