Joint author

Joint author

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Joint author" в других словарях:

  • joint author — noun a writer who collaborates with others in writing something • Syn: ↑coauthor • Hypernyms: ↑writer, ↑author * * * noun : a person who collaborates with one or more persons in the production of a literary work joint authors of a widely used… …   Useful english dictionary

  • joint — United; combined; undivided; done by or against two or more unitedly; shared by or between two or more; coupled together in interest or liability. The term is used to express a common property interest enjoyed or a common liability incurred by… …   Black's law dictionary

  • joint — United; combined; undivided; done by or against two or more unitedly; shared by or between two or more; coupled together in interest or liability. The term is used to express a common property interest enjoyed or a common liability incurred by… …   Black's law dictionary

  • joint — n., adj., & v. n. 1 a a place at which two things are joined together. b a point at which, or a contrivance by which, two parts of an artificial structure are joined. 2 a structure in an animal body by which two bones are fitted together. 3 a any …   Useful english dictionary

  • Joint mobilization — is a type of passive movement of a skeletal joint. It is usually aimed at a target synovial joint with the aim of achieving a therapeutic effect. When applied to the spine, it is known as spinal mobilization. Terminology Mobilization is a manual… …   Wikipedia

  • Joint Personnel Administration — (JPA) is the intranet based personnel administration system used by the British Armed Forces from April 2006 onwards, replacing the separate payment and administration teams from each Force. Despite the ability to carry out over 40 formerly paper …   Wikipedia

  • Joint Task Force Guantanamo — (JTF GTMO) is one of the U.S. military units based at the United States Navy base located at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba on the southeastern end of island. Since around 2002 the unit has come to world attention as the operators of Camp X Ray and its… …   Wikipedia

  • Joint stability — refers to the resistance offered by various musculoskeletal tissues that surround a skeletal joint. Several subsystems ensure the stability of a joint. These are the passive, active and neural subsystems. [cite journal | author = Panjabi MM. |… …   Wikipedia

  • joint work — Under copyright law, a collaboration between two or more authors in which their contributions are joined into a single cohesive work. Each author of a joint work has equal rights to register and enforce the copyright, regardless of how their… …   Law dictionary

  • Joint Force Headquarters National Capital Region — Infobox Military Unit unit name=Joint Force Headquarters National Capital Region caption=Official seal of Joint Force Headquarters National Capital Region dates=2004 Present country=United States branch=Joint type=All role=Homeland defense size=… …   Wikipedia

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