Advance royalty

Advance royalty
Авторский гонорар, выплачиваемый издателем до реализации тиража.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Advance royalty" в других словарях:

  • Advance royalty —   A royalty required to be paid in advance of production from a mineral property that may or may not be recoverable from future production.   U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary …   Energy terms

  • royalty — roy·al·ty n pl ties 1: a right delegated (as to an individual or corporation) by a sovereign 2 a: a share of the profit or product reserved by the grantor esp. of an oil or mineral lease compare overriding royalty b: a payment made to an author… …   Law dictionary

  • Royalty Financing — is done by selling the rights to a percentage of revenue of a product or service in advance of the revenue being earned. Traditionally this type of finance has been common to investors in the mining and energey sectors. Recently it has become… …   Wikipedia

  • Advance against royalties — In the field of intellectual property licensing, an advance against royalties is a payment made by the licensee to the licensor at the start of the period of licensing (usually immediately upon contract, or on delivery of the property being… …   Wikipedia

  • royalty — noun 1 members of a royal family ADJECTIVE ▪ minor (esp. BrE) PHRASES ▪ in the presence of royalty ▪ She behaved as if she were in the presence of royalty. 2 (usually royalties) money paid to an author, etc …   Collocations dictionary

  • advance —    A prepayment made in anticipation of services, such as a shipment being made or a book written. An advance is normally set against a final bill, a sales commission or an author s royalty …   Business law dictionary

  • Copyright Royalty Board — The Copyright Royalty Board is a U.S. system of three Copyright Royalty Judges who determine rates and terms for copyright statutory licenses and make determinations on distribution of statutory license royalties collected by the United States… …   Wikipedia

  • La Peau de chagrin — (English: The Magic Skin or The Wild Ass s Skin ) is an 1831 novel by French novelist and playwright Honoré de Balzac (1799–1850). Set in early 19th century Paris, it tells the story of a young man who finds a magic piece of shagreen that… …   Wikipedia

  • My Little Grass Shack in Kealakekua, Hawaii — My Little Grass Shack in Kealakekua, Hawaiʻi was a popular song written for the July 4th canoe races in Kona in 1933. Tommy Harrison gave the song to Johnny Noble to publish, who revised the music to give it a new melody without changing Bill… …   Wikipedia

  • bonus — A consideration or premium paid in addition to what is strictly due. A gratuity to which the recipient has no right to make a demand. Walling v. Plymouth Mfg. Corporation, C.C.A.Ind., 139 F.2d 178, 182. A premium or extra or irregular… …   Black's law dictionary

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