Intermediate negative

Intermediate negative
Промежуточный негатив.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Intermediate negative" в других словарях:

  • Negative cutting — (also known as Negative Matching and Negative Conforming) is the process of cutting motion picture negative to match precisely the final edit as specified by the film editor. Original camera negative (OCN) is cut with scissors and joined using a… …   Wikipedia

  • Negative pulldown — A comparison of 4 perf, 3 perf and 2 perf 35 mm film formats. Negative pulldown is the manner in which an image is exposed on a film stock, described in the number of film perforations spanned by an individual frame. It can also describe the… …   Wikipedia

  • Negative Butterfly — A non parallel yield curve shift in which long and short term yields decrease by a greater degree than intermediate rates. This yield curve shift effectively humps the curve, adding to the curvature of the yield curve. For example, a negative… …   Investment dictionary

  • Negative proof — This article is about a logical fallacy. The term negative proof can also refer to a proof of impossibility. Negative proof, the fallacy of appealing to lack of proof of the negative, is a logical fallacy of the following form:: X is true because …   Wikipedia

  • Intermediate film system — The intermediate film system was a television process in which motion picture film was processed almost immediately after it was exposed in a camera, then scanned by a television scanner, and transmitted over the air. This system was used… …   Wikipedia

  • Negative temperature coefficient — A negative temperature coefficient (NTC) occurs when the thermal conductivity of a material rises with increasing temperature, typically in a defined temperature range. For most materials, the thermal conductivity will decrease with increasing… …   Wikipedia

  • Digital intermediate — (typically abbreviated to DI) is a motion picture finishing process which classically involves digitizing a motion picture and manipulating the color and other image characteristics. It often replaces or augments the photochemical timing process… …   Wikipedia

  • Double negative — This article is about the linguistic construct. For other uses, see Double Negative (disambiguation). A double negative occurs when two forms of negation are used in the same sentence. Multiple negation is the more general term referring to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Original camera negative — The original camera negative (OCN) is the film in a motion picture camera which captures the original image. This is the film from which all other copies will be made. It is known as raw stock prior to exposure. The size of a roll varies… …   Wikipedia

  • Reversal Intermediate — F/A/V A second generation duplicate which is reversed to make it the same type, negative or positive, as the original. It is used for printing in order to protect the original. (Film Editing) …   Audio and video glossary

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