Initial chapter

Initial chapter
Первая глава.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Initial chapter" в других словарях:

  • initial — [i nish′əl] adj. [< Fr or L: Fr < L initialis < initium, a beginning < inire, to go into, enter upon, begin < in , into, in + ire, to go < IE base * ei > Goth iddja] having to do with, indicating, or occurring at the… …   English World dictionary

  • Initial D — Infobox animanga/Header name = Initial D caption = Initial D franchise Logo ja name = 頭文字 (イニシャル)D ja name trans = Inisharu Dī genre = Action, Racing, DramaInfobox animanga/Manga title = author = Shuichi Shigeno publisher = flagicon|Japan… …   Wikipedia

  • Chapter V — This article is about the Staind album. For the HammerFall album, see Chapter V: Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken. For the Syleena Johnson album, see Chapter 5: Underrated. Chapter V Studio album …   Wikipedia

  • Initial — For other uses, see Initial (disambiguation). A historiated illuminated initial In a written or published work, an initial is a letter at the beginning of a work, a chapter, or a paragraph that is larger than the rest of the text. The word is… …   Wikipedia

  • Initial (disambiguation) — An initial is a letter at the beginning of a written work, a chapter or a paragraph that is larger than the rest of the text.Initial may also refer to:* Initial (linguistics), part of a syllable that precedes the syllable nucleus in phonetics and …   Wikipedia

  • initial — initialer, n. initially, adv. /i nish euhl/, adj., n., v., initialed, initialing or (esp. Brit.) initialled, initialling. adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or occurring at the beginning; first: the initial step in a process. 2. Phonet. occurring at the… …   Universalium

  • initial — in•i•tial [[t]ɪˈnɪʃ əl[/t]] adj. n. v. tialed, tial•ing (esp. brit.) tialled, tial•ling. 1) of, pertaining to, or occurring at the beginning; first: the initial step in a process[/ex] 2) an initial letter, as of a word 3) the first letter of a… …   From formal English to slang

  • initial — /ɪˈnɪʃəl / (say i nishuhl) adjective 1. of or relating to the beginning; incipient: the initial step in a process. 2. at the beginning of a word or syllable. –noun 3. an initial letter, as of a word. 4. the first letter of a proper name. 5. a… …  

  • initial — in·i·tial || ɪ nɪʃl n. beginning letter of a person s first name; first letter (as of a word); enlarged or ornamented letter at the beginning of a chapter v. sign using the first letter or letters of a name adj. placed at the beginning,… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • General Motors Chapter 11 reorganization — The General Motors Chapter 11 sale of the assets of automobile manufacturer General Motors and some of its subsidiaries was implemented through section 363 of Chapter 11, Title 11, United States Code in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the… …   Wikipedia

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