Illuminated sign

Illuminated sign
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Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Illuminated sign" в других словарях:

  • illuminated sign — šviesinis ženklas statusas Aprobuotas sritis gaisrų prevencija apibrėžtis Kaip šviečiantis paviršius atrodantis ženklas, kurio šviesą skleidžiantis įtaisas pagamintas iš permatomos arba šviesai laidžios medžiagos ir kuris yra apšviestas iš vidaus …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • illuminated — [[t]ɪlu͟ːmɪneɪtɪd[/t]] 1) ADJ Something that is illuminated is lit up, usually by electric lighting. illuminated sign... Much of the ancient city is illuminated at night. 2) ADJ: ADJ n Illuminated manuscripts, books, and official documents… …   English dictionary

  • illuminated — il|lu|mi|nat|ed [ıˈlu:mıneıtıd, ˈlju: US ˈlu: ] adj 1.) lit up by lights ▪ An illuminated sign flashed on and off. 2.) illuminated manuscript/book a book of a type produced by hand in the Middle Ages, whose pages are decorated with gold paint and …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • illuminated — adjective 1 lit up by lights: a big illuminated sign over the entrance 2 an illuminated book/bible/manuscript etc a book of a type produced by hand in the Middle Ages, whose pages are decorated with gold paint and other bright colours …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Illuminated manuscript — In the strictest definition of illuminated manuscript, only manuscripts with gold or silver, like this miniature of Christ in Majesty from the Aberdeen Bestiary (folio 4v), would be considered illuminated. An illuminated manuscript is a… …   Wikipedia

  • ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS, HEBREW — This entry is arranged according to the following outline: hebrew illumination in hellenistic times character of hebrew manuscript illumination materials and techniques oriental school spanish illumination french school german school italian… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS — The solemn Tisha Be Av prayer. Men are sitting on the floor and women are standing in the women s section, while the rabbi is blowing the shofar. From the Rothschild Miscellany, northern Italy, c. 1470. Collection, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem.… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • sign — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 sth that shows that sth exists/may happen ADJECTIVE ▪ classic, clear, definite, distinct, obvious, real, sure, telltale, unmistakable …   Collocations dictionary

  • sign — signless, adj. signlike, adj. /suyn/, n. 1. a token; indication. 2. any object, action, event, pattern, etc., that conveys a meaning. 3. a conventional or arbitrary mark, figure, or symbol used as an abbreviation for the word or words it… …   Universalium

  • illuminated — adj. Illuminated is used with these nouns: ↑manuscript, ↑sign …   Collocations dictionary

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