- Film coating
- Полив плёнки эмульсией;
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Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.
Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.
Film-coating industry — Производство кинофотоматериалов … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Coating — is a covering that is applied to the surface of an object, usually referred to as the substrate. In many cases coatings are applied to improve surface properties of the substrate, such as appearance, adhesion, wetability, corrosion resistance,… … Wikipedia
Coating and printing processes — involve the application of a thin film of functional material to a substrate, such as roll of paper, fabric, film or other textile. The coating or printing can be applied to serve some sort of function (e.g. water proofing) or just for decoration … Wikipedia
film — O.E. filmen membrane, thin skin, from W.Gmc. *filminjan (Cf. O.Fris. filmene skin, O.E. fell hide ), extended from P.Gmc. *fello(m) animal hide, from PIE *pel skin, hide (Cf. Gk. pella, L. pellis skin ). Sense of … Etymology dictionary
film — [film] n. [ME < OE filmen, membrane, foreskin: for IE base see FELL4] 1. a fine, thin skin, surface, layer, or coating 2. a sheet or roll of a flexible cellulose material coated with an emulsion sensitive to light and used to capture an image… … English World dictionary
film — [n1] coating, tissue; mist blur, brume, cloud, coat, covering, dusting, fabric, foil, fold, gauze, haze, haziness, integument, layer, leaf, membrane, mistiness, nebula, obscuration, opacity, partition, pellicle, scum*, sheet, skin, transparency,… … New thesaurus
coating — [n] covering blanket, bloom, coat, crust, dusting, encrustation, film, finish, glaze, lamination, layer, membrane, patina, sheet, skin, varnish, veneer; concept 475 … New thesaurus
film — filmlike, adj. /film/, n. 1. a thin layer or coating: a film of grease on a plate. 2. a thin sheet of any material: a film of ice. 3. a thin skin or membrane. 4. a delicate web of filaments or fine threads. 5. a thin haze, blur, or mist. 6.… … Universalium
film — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. coating, membrane, haze, blur, scum; movie (see drama). See covering, narrowness. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Thin, membranous matter] Syn. gauze, tissue, fabric, sheet, membrane, integument, layer, veneer … English dictionary for students
film — /fɪlm / (say film) noun 1. a thin layer or coating. 2. a thin sheet of any material. 3. Photography a. the sensitive coating, as of gelatine and silver bromide, on a photographic plate. b. a strip or roll of cellulose nitrate or cellulose acetate …