Black ink

Black ink
Чёрная краска.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "Black ink" в других словарях:

  • black ink — black ink, U.S. financial gain; profit …   Useful english dictionary

  • Black Ink Verlag — Der Black Ink Verlag ist ein deutscher Literaturverlag mit Sitz in Scheuring, Bayern. Als Independent Verlag ist er der Kleinverlagsszene zuzurechnen. 1993 wurde der Verlag von den Autoren Nikolai Vogel und Kilian Fitzpatrick gegründet. Neben den …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Black ink fountain — Ящик для чёрной краски …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Black ink piling — Накопление чёрной краски на форме (дефект флексографской печати) …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Ink — Ink, n. [OE. enke, inke, OF. enque, F. encre, L. encaustum the purple red ink with which the Roman emperors signed their edicts, Gr. ?, fr. ? burnt in, encaustic, fr. ? to burn in. See {Encaustic}, {Caustic}.] 1. A fluid, or a viscous material or …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ink bag — Ink Ink, n. [OE. enke, inke, OF. enque, F. encre, L. encaustum the purple red ink with which the Roman emperors signed their edicts, Gr. ?, fr. ? burnt in, encaustic, fr. ? to burn in. See {Encaustic}, {Caustic}.] 1. A fluid, or a viscous… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ink berry — Ink Ink, n. [OE. enke, inke, OF. enque, F. encre, L. encaustum the purple red ink with which the Roman emperors signed their edicts, Gr. ?, fr. ? burnt in, encaustic, fr. ? to burn in. See {Encaustic}, {Caustic}.] 1. A fluid, or a viscous… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ink plant — Ink Ink, n. [OE. enke, inke, OF. enque, F. encre, L. encaustum the purple red ink with which the Roman emperors signed their edicts, Gr. ?, fr. ? burnt in, encaustic, fr. ? to burn in. See {Encaustic}, {Caustic}.] 1. A fluid, or a viscous… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ink powder — Ink Ink, n. [OE. enke, inke, OF. enque, F. encre, L. encaustum the purple red ink with which the Roman emperors signed their edicts, Gr. ?, fr. ? burnt in, encaustic, fr. ? to burn in. See {Encaustic}, {Caustic}.] 1. A fluid, or a viscous… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ink sac — Ink Ink, n. [OE. enke, inke, OF. enque, F. encre, L. encaustum the purple red ink with which the Roman emperors signed their edicts, Gr. ?, fr. ? burnt in, encaustic, fr. ? to burn in. See {Encaustic}, {Caustic}.] 1. A fluid, or a viscous… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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