Dichotomic classification

Dichotomic classification
Дихотомическая классификация.

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Dichotomic classification" в других словарях:

  • Dichotomic search — In computer science, a dichotomic search is a search algorithm that operates by selecting between two distinct alternatives (dichotomies) at each step. It is a specific type of divide and conquer algorithm. A well known example is binary search.… …   Wikipedia

  • dichotomic — adjective a) Choosing between two antithetical choices. Classification based upon two opposites.[ …   Wiktionary

  • dichotomy — dichotomic /duy keuh tom ik/, adj. dichotomically, adv. /duy kot euh mee/, n., pl. dichotomies. 1. division into two parts, kinds, etc.; subdivision into halves or pairs. 2. division into two mutually exclusive, opposed, or contradictory groups:… …   Universalium

  • Dipterologiae Italicae prodromus — Volume 1 Title page Dipterologiae Italicae prodromus is a fundamental work of systematic entomology by the Italian entomologist Camillo Róndani. It consist of seven volumes published in Paris, Parma, Firenze (Ex Tipographia A. Stocchii between… …   Wikipedia

  • Schriften von Charles Sanders Peirce — Das nachfolgende Verzeichnis der Schriften von Charles Sanders Peirce dient als Ergänzung zum Verzeichnis der Werke von Peirce im Hauptartikel. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Vorbemerkung 2 Collected Papers 2.1 Vol. I. Principles of Philosophy …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • dichotomy — n. (pl. ies) 1 a a division into two, esp. a sharply defined one. b the result of such a division. 2 binary classification. 3 Bot. & Zool. repeated bifurcation. Derivatives: dichotomic adj. dichotomize v. dichotomous adj. Etymology: mod.L… …   Useful english dictionary

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