
Приёмно-выводное устройство;
Вывод (напр. листов);
Приёмка (напр. листов);
Доставка, разноска;
Производительность (насоса или вентилятора);
Продукция (изготавливаемая на печатной машине).

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Delivery" в других словарях:

  • delivery — de·liv·ery n pl er·ies: an act that shows a transferor s intent to make a transfer of property (as a gift); esp: the transfer of possession or exclusive control of property to another actual delivery: a delivery (as by hand or shipment) of actual …   Law dictionary

  • Delivery — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Delivery (Reparto o Entrega) es una actividad parte de la función logística que tiene por finalidad colocar bienes, servicios e información directo en el lugar de consumo (Al cliente final). En el ámbito empresarial …   Wikipedia Español

  • Delivery — may refer to: Delivery, in childbirth Delivery (commerce), of goods Delivery (contract law) ( signed, sealed delivered ) Delivery (cricket), in cricket, a single action of bowling a cricket ball towards the batsman Delivery (joke), of a joke drug …   Wikipedia

  • Delivery — De*liv er*y, n.; pl. {Deliveries}. 1. The act of delivering from restraint; rescue; release; liberation; as, the delivery of a captive from his dungeon. [1913 Webster] 2. The act of delivering up or over; surrender; transfer of the body or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • delivery — (izg. delìveri) m DEFINICIJA 1. isporuka, prijenos imovine jedne osobe drugoj 2. ekon. u financijskom poslovanju prijenos certifikata vrijednosnih papira prodanog na tržištu SINTAGMA delivery clause (izg. delivery klȏz) pom. klauzula o… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • delivery — [n1] transfer, transmittal carting, commitment, consignment, conveyance, dispatch, distribution, drop, freighting, giving over, handing over, impartment, intrusting, mailing, parcel post, portage, post, rendition, shipment, surrender,… …   New thesaurus

  • delivery up — Where infringement of intellectual property rights has been established, the Courts can make an order relating to the property including delivery up or destruction to prevent infringing goods getting or remaining on the market. Destruction will… …   Law dictionary

  • delivery — The act of taking mail from the post office to the customer. The mail itself taken to the customer s business or residential delivery address or picked up at a post office whether post office box, window, or dock …   Glossary of postal terms

  • delivery — (n.) early 15c., action of handing over to another, from Anglo Fr. delivrée, noun use of fem. pp. of O.Fr. délivrer (see DELIVER (Cf. deliver)). Childbirth sense is attested from 1570s. Of speech, from 1580s. Of a blow, throw of a ball, etc.,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • delivery — ► NOUN (pl. deliveries) 1) the action of delivering something, especially letters or goods. 2) the process of giving birth. 3) an act of throwing or bowling a ball, especially a cricket ball. 4) the manner or style of giving a speech …   English terms dictionary

  • delivery — [di liv′ər ē] n. pl. deliveries [ME deliveri < OFr delivré, pp. of délivrer: see DELIVER] 1. a giving or handing over; transfer 2. a distributing, as of goods or mail 3. a giving birth; childbirth 4. any giving or sending forth …   English World dictionary

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