Antiskinning agent

Antiskinning agent
Реагент, препятствующий образованию поверхностной плёнки (на краске).

Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии. 2010.

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Смотреть что такое "Antiskinning agent" в других словарях:

  • Oil drying agent — An oil drying agent is a coordination compound that accelerates (catalyzes) the hardening of drying oils through chemical crosslinking. The catalysts affect the autoxidation of the oils with air. Typical oil drying agents are derived from cobalt …   Wikipedia

  • butylated hydroxytoluene — Antioxidant for food, animal feed, petroleum products, synthetic rubbers, plastics, animal and vegetable oils, soap; also an antiskinning agent in paints and inks. * * * butylated hy·droxy·tol·u·ene hī .dräk sē täl yə .wēn n …   Medical dictionary

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